2 Possible Reasons Why Your Machine's Solenoid Valve Refuses To Open And Needs Replacing
ShareIf you use any machinery that runs on electricity, more than likely it contains a solenoid valve. This tiny valve is responsible for converting electricity into mechanical energy that makes the parts of the machine move.
However, if the valve refuses to open, the energy conversion cannot take place, and the machine will not work properly. If you find that the valve is open and have already checked for dust or other obstacles, there are a couple of other reasons why it will not move, making it necessary to replace it.
1. Valve or Stem Is Corroded or Is out of Alignment Due to Physical Damage
One possible reason that the solenoid valve refuses to open is that there is something wrong with either the stem or the valve itself. It may have suffered from physical damage that knocked it out of alignment, which will keep it from moving.
If you see that the stem and valve are misaligned, you can try to gently reposition it after unplugging the solenoid. While doing so, you should check to see if either of the parts is corroded, which can happen if the machine is in a humid area. If there is corrosion present and you cannot realign the valve and stem, you will need to replace the solenoid.
2. Coil Within the Valve Has Been Damaged or Has Failed Due to Burnout
Another possible reason that the solenoid valve will not open is that the coil within it has been damaged or has failed due to burnout. This coil is where the energy conversion takes place. When the machine needs more mechanical energy, the coil will send a signal to open the valve so it can draw in electricity.
However, if the coil is damaged or has failed due to burnout, it will keep the valve closed. If you see any scorch marks anywhere on the solenoid valve, this means that the coil is no longer working correctly, requiring that the entire solenoid be replaced.
If your machine's solenoid valve refuses to open, the valve itself or the stem may be corroded or misaligned because of physical damage. Or, the valve's coil may be damaged or burnt out, preventing it from opening the valve to send electricity through it. In either of these cases, it will need to be replaced. Contact a business in your area that offers custom solenoid valves to have them help you find or make one that fits your particular machinery.